The following pages shows a set of screenshots from prototype module that was tested in an internal release cycle by rapid prototyping methods.
On the one hand this gives the development team ‘wireframes’ to build the UI again these test the functionality for the business rules to work. Later these become part of the help module.
Marketing Plan: Revenue Model
The new decade ushers a new approach for a successful track record. All market-leading companies during the last few years have shown a few distinguishable features, as a growing trend, in the continued effort to compete by innovation, farsightedness, integration, scalability and an attitude of collaboration.
However, while big corporations have adequate financial and human resources assets to maintain balance and adhere to strategies, small and medium businesses find it very difficult to adopt the new approach. And this is what necessitates increased community wide collaboration among alliance partners and B2B partners.
At a time when the economy is gradually recovering Lorven Labs responds this challenge by not only broadening its own ambit by embracing collaborative and scalable technologies, but also deems it necessary to align its own business along the same organizing principles that make the leaders succeed.
This means that the integrated approach to align its businesses along innovative and collaborative lines with an approach to scalability should work well for itself as also allow Lorven to gain recognition from individuals and the innumerable small and medium businesses that lack the means or time to innovate, build or re-configure their applications to make their foray into the new decade of marketing based on social networks, user analytics and virtual development.
We think it is highly probable that existing clients on the recruitment and staffing vertical could also be convinced to see how their participation and collaboration with Lorven Labs can become a worthwhile approach for rapid re-alignment of business strategies. Essentially, it would be easier for them to adopt the Lab and its plug-in features from an alliance partner or a third party organization without changing itself.
Research from mostly secondary sources referenced below has helped us reach our conclusion on the advantages and benefits of building Lorven Labs.
The sources are varied and a systematic study that took us through the unrelated research documents below to make a complete evaluation for this purpose. These are attached in the appendix section of this document.
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